Life at Integrated Finance: Qasim Abul’as, Customer Success Manager

Qasim shares his life at Integrated Finance, balancing the thrill of innovation with family commitments and his extraordinary shift from the Foreign Direct Investment to being a key player in Fintech.

Almost two years with Integrated Finance, Qasim has exemplified the company's commitment to transformative change. His daily routine not only involves honing professional discipline but also includes indulging in his passion for running.

Transitioning from a government position to the dynamic environment of a startup, Qasim has seamlessly adapted, thriving in a culture that values creativity, impact, and collaboration.

In his role, Qasim not only shapes the customer success strategy but also plays a significant role in team dynamics. He brings a unique perspective to Integrated Finance, drawing from his rich background and a keen focus on future goals.

What made you join Integrated Finance?

It's interesting how our past experiences shape where we end up. My journey began at the Malaysian government's investment arm here in the UK, who focuses on UK investments into Malaysia. I spent five years there, deeply involved in prospecting for clients. During that time, the Fintech industry started booming, and it caught my eye. I saw finance and technology merging in exciting ways and knew I had to be a part of it.

In 2022, the time felt right. Unlike the goal-oriented nature of government work, I was eager to dive into a more market-driven environment. Integrated Finance, or IF, stood out. It wasn't just about selling products; it was about creating impact. This vision resonated with me.

So, when the chance came, I didn't hesitate. Joining IF meant embracing a new challenge and contributing to a startup's growth in an industry I had grown to admire.

Favourite 3 things about working at Integrated Finance

  1. Brilliant team: first off, the people at IF are simply amazing. Smart, passionate, and driven, they make every day at work inspiring. Before joining, I met the company’s co-founders, and their vision and passion were contagious. It's not just about the work; it's the people who make it meaningful.
  2. Impactful product: what we offer is a game-changer. It doesn't just fill a gap; it's reshaping the entire landscape. Being part of this, learning about the industry, and seeing our impact is incredibly fulfilling. We're not just another company; we're a benchmark in Fintech innovation.
  3. Creative freedom: lastly, I love the freedom at IF. There are no red tape or challenges that can stop you and it is refreshing. Here, you're free to explore new horizons and make a real impact with support from the entire IF team. The support is unparalleled – from our co-founders to my colleagues in engineering. This sense of unity and purpose is what makes IF special.

Describe your typical day working at Integrated Finance

My days at IF are a blend of action and strategy. In the mornings, I'm the go-to guy for tackling customer issues. I'm on the front lines, chasing down details from our team or clients to resolve any problems that pop up overnight. It's about being fast and efficient, ensuring everything's on track.

Come afternoon, I switch gears. After some school runs, I dive into planning and analysis. Evenings are for deep dives into business insights, strategising for our customer success team, and connecting with clients and our internal teams. This productive part of my day is all about improving and innovating.

At IF, every day brings new challenges and opportunities. It's a constant balancing act, responding to immediate needs while also focusing on the bigger picture. This approach keeps our product and services top-notch, ensuring they truly meet our clients' needs. That's what makes working here exciting and fulfilling.

Name 3 things you can’t imagine living without, and tell us why?

  1. Running shoes: I can't imagine my life without my running shoes! Its has become something more than just a hobby for me. I love the training blocks leading up to an event while also balancing work and family. It's more than just exercise; it's discipline, a way to kickstart my mornings with a burst of energy and productivity. It's a routine that shapes my days and keeps me grounded.
  2. Arsenal FC: next, there's my unwavering support for Arsenal Football Club. Watching their games is a ritual. It's an addiction, maybe not always a healthy one, depending on how the team's doing. I do get pretty worked up during games!
  3. Family: lastly, and most importantly, my family. I'm a proud dad to two beautiful daughters, aged five and one and a half. They're my world. My life, especially on weekends, revolves around their needs and desires. Becoming a father has made me less selfish, teaching me the balance between all my other priorities and the joyful chaos of family life.

What is your superpower?

If I could have a superpower, it would be time travel. Now, I know that sounds like something straight out of a Marvel movie, but hear me out. I'm not about changing the past; that's not my style. I firmly believe the past is the past for a reason. What's done is done.

But the idea of witnessing history with my own eyes? That's thrilling. I've always been drawn to nonfiction and history. Imagine stepping into a bookshop, picking up a history book, and then actually being able to see those events unfold in real life. That would be incredible.

This power wouldn't be for altering events but for observing and learning. It's like running; you always move forward, never back. Time travel, for me, would be a window to experience and understand our world's rich history firsthand.

What’s your favourite holiday destination?

When it comes to holidays, my go-to place is always Malaysia. It's where my roots are. The food, the family connections, and, let's not forget, things are more affordable there. It's always a treat to go back.

But if we're talking about a holiday that's not the obvious choice, I'd say France, particularly our family trip to Disneyland. It was an unforgettable experience. We spent three days there and still didn't cover everything! That place is magic, especially through the eyes of my kids. I'm already planning to go back when they're a bit older.

Besides Disneyland, the city itself is fantastic. The food, the fashion, the overall vibe – it's just cool. France has a unique charm that's hard to describe. You've got to experience it to understand. So, yeah, France holds a special place in my heart as a holiday destination.

What always makes you laugh without fail?

It's simple - Kevin Hart and Will Ferrell. Their humour is top notch in my opinion. It's the jokes they tell, their whole demeanour and the way they present the obvious in a hilarious manner. Like Will Ferrell in "Step Brothers" – I can watch that movie over and over and still find it just as funny.

They have this impromptu style in their movies. You watch the bloopers, and they're throwing out different lines every time. It's pure comedic genius. I even went to Kevin Hart's show in Wembley a few years back. The guy's humour is just unique. It's hard to explain, but they have this way of turning everyday situations into something incredibly funny. So, yeah, those guys never fail to make me laugh.

What are your future plans in three years?

That's quite the question! I see myself hopefully still deeply involved with IF. I'm hoping to see the company grow exponentially in that time. Customer Success is my domain, and I envision myself creating and developing the department with the right culture and spirit.

I'm looking forward to learning from this experience and growing as a colleague and person. My goal is to continue making a significant impact and adding value to IF and its customers. So yeah, that's where I see myself in three years - leading, learning, and growing with our customers.

All Life at IF